Previously, audi26tv discussed about great tourist cites in Solo city. However, Solo city is not only about Javanese culture and beautiful nature. Travelling around Solo city is incomplete without taste Solo city culinary.
Solo city's culinary is quite interesting because you won't find these kind of foods in other city in Indonesia. If there's, most of them are people who come from Solo city or people who learn Solo city food then sell it in another city. It won't be same if you eat in Solo city.
I would like to share, 5 Solo city culinary that makes your trip in Solo city become so memorable and unforgettable.
1. Selat Solo (Typical Solo salad style)
Selat Solo, the words "selat" is actually comes from "salad" but local community in Solo often mispronounce "salad" become "selat" that's why the name become Selat Solo which means "Salad Solo". If you see the pictures, maybe it looks like no different with salad in general, but if you see directly and try, the taste is not like salad in Western style. Selat Solo contains beef steak which cutted into small size 15 cm x 7 cm and cooked like stew.
The other ingredients that contains in Selat Solo are potato, carrot, green bean, white egg, and letuce. The Selat's dressing is sweat brown salad dressing, original Solo city made which make Selat Solo is different with normal salad. You can only this kind of salad in Solo city, so don't forget to taste Selat Solo when you're travelling in Solo city.
2. Tengkleng
Tengkleng is typical Solo city lamb curry with various parts of the lamb's bone, mainly ribs. The way to eat Tengkleng is quite interesting because usually, you eat curry with spoon and you focus on the curry and the meat. However, Tengkleng is the curry soup that eaten by hand because you have to take the lamb's bone and suck the contents. That's the enjoyment of eating tengkleng. You can feel the taste of curry combine with taste of lamb's bone. Ummmm Yummy!
3. Satay Buntel
You might ever heard about "Satay Ayam (Chicken satay)" or "Satay Padang (original satay from Padang)". How about Satay Buntel? Do you have an idea what is Satay Suntel?
Sound unfamiliar right? Satay Buntel is lamb satay that covered by meat's fat and mix with sweat soy sauce special from Solo city. It's totally different with "Satay Ayam" or "Satay Padang" because the meat in Satay Buntel is bigger. You can feel the taste of lamb by eating Satay Buntel.
Same as Tengkleng, I recommend you to eat Satay Buntel in "Sate Kambing H. Kasdi, Solo - Balapan".
4. Es Dawet
I think most of Indonesian know about Es Dawet. After travelling around Solo city under hot weather, drink Es Dawet makes our body feel fresh. Surely, you can't travelling around Solo without drink Es Dawet.
Es Dawet or you can say Ice Dawet is the typical Solo drink that contains cendol with coconut milk and Javanese sugar. FYI, Cendol is green jelly that usually used for dessert.
The feel of enjoyment drinking Es Dawet is when you feel so hot and tired, drink Es Dawet in street food around Solo city and sit on the mat. Looks simple but in Indonesia, simplicity is the best way to have quality time.
5. Serabi Solo
Last but least, typical Solo city snacks which quite popular as food souvenir, Serabi Solo. Serabi Solo made by rice flour, mixed with coconut milk, and cooked like pancake. So, I can say that Serabi is "Solo city Pancake". Usually, I choose chocolate taste for Serabi Solo. So the sweat taste of Serabi Solo is the combination between chocolate and coconut milk. Before leaving Solo city, I recommend you to visit Serabi store called "Serabi Notsuman" in Jalan Mohamad Yamin no. 28. Originally, Serabi Solo is come from Notsuman town, so that's the best Serabi store to buy Serabi as food souvenir.
Actually, there are more tasty Solo culinary that makes you want to visit Solo again and again. Those 5 foods that I mentioned above, are my top recommendations for you that makes your trip in Solo city becomes memorable and unforgettable. Why? The taste of the food, the unique way to eat like eat Tengkleng and the unique way to cook that you won't find in the other city around Java are the main reason why Solo city is memorable and unforgettable.
Instead of seeing the food picture in "Solo makan-makan (link below)" album in audi26tv blog page, why don't you pack your staffs and book a ticket to Solo city? These foods are waiting for you, so let's visit Solo!
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